Modhemian™ Musings

What is a "Refocus Debut" and why not a "Relaunch?"

What is a
It’s something I’ve been asked a few times and once I explain it, it seems to make so much more sense to everyone so I wanted to start the next week of posts in journey form with this simple clarification.

When I hear the word “relaunch” or even a little of “rebranding” I feel like it has a slight negative connotation almost as if you couldn’t get it right last time so you are redoing it.
This is not at all what I had in mind when I started thinking personally more about the direction I wanted my business to go. I knew that I’ve been in a position for a bit now where I don’t get the same joy from doing just any ol project and that I need to be able to say no to people. Theres so many passions I have that I want to share as a whole, not just my inner personal circle or with our TK Wholesale VIPS but most importantly the TK Tribe!
Though I've been here for 15 years... It’s been 5 years ‘officially’ with this end of Top Knot and when I started it was just so fast that I literally didn’t set up properly to start with let along have a break since to organize with business plan and official goals, etc. It’s overdue, especially with the mess that I sort thru around tax season and said THIS is IT.
I didn’t want to “restart” something that was successful, I didn’t want to just throw away everything that has happened the last 5+ years, which is why we also kept “Top Knot” as it’s become a brand across the USA and Internationally for years. What I did want to do was REFOCUS the direction that I lean towards, I want to be able to hone in on my personal interest and share my adventures! I want to expand on the amazing base we have already established, I want to offer a lot of the same products but I do want to hone in my FOCUS to reflect more of my style and interest. I know that being able to streamline whats being offered to whats available and within certain themes not just eases production and shipping times but also feels more true to our core. We can use the time to focus on giving even more back and sharing regularly our support of each other and the planet.
Hang tight because we are STARTING NOW…. Refocus Debut is ‘launching’ in the next two weeks and you’re going to want to be a part of the spectacular journey we are about to share!
Quick link to our refurbished blog, Modhemian™ Musings (don’t worry that will make sense soon!) to not just catch this but all posts coming up soon that explain how we landed with each big decision that refocused this business into all the marvelous glory you’re about to experience (and highlight some of the most enchanting curated collections available)!


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